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Year-end 2015

As we approach year-end 2015, I wanted to update and report on a few things.

Thank you to so many that have prayed for my wife this year as she had surgery, then chemo, and then radiation to treat cancer.  She currently has good blood numbers, and we are trusting that God is seeing fit to direct a recovery for her.

Next, I wish all of the readers of this a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  To be blessed, you indeed must truly know Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour by faith.  If you have never done this, please take care of that.  Contact me if I can help you with this understanding of this most important decision that must be made in life.

Then, I will be having partial knee replacement surgery in early January, 2016. Please pray for speedy recovery that I can meet planned obligations of the ministry.  I am currently booking meetings for 2016.  If I can be of help to you and your church, please contact me so we can get you on the schedule.  We have several things scheduled through June, but that are openings in all months.

One update to be aware of for 2016...the ministry mileage rate is a maximum of  $0.540 per mile for the year 2016, down from $0.575 per mile, due to the decrease in the price of gasoline.  This is of course represents the rate for actual non-commuting miles driven for ministry purposes. If you have people that regularly use their cars for charitable purposes, their rate is unchanged at $0.140 / mile.

As other tax or ACA changes are announced, I will post updates for you.

Have a great year in Christ.  Pray for souls, missionaries, and our nation.

Yours faithfully in Christ...

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